@@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@! !@@ !@@ @@! @@! @@@ @@! @@@ !@! @!! !@! !@! !@! @!@ !@ @!@ !@@!@! !!@@!! @!! @!@!@!@! @!@!@!@ @!!! !!@!!! !!! !!!@!!!! !!!@!!!! !: :!! !:! !!: !!: !!! !!: !!! :!: !:! !:! :!: :!: !:! :!: !:! :: ::: :::: :: :: :: ::: :: :::: : :: :: : : : : : : :: : :: INSTALL NOTES FOR XSTAB VERSION 0.9 REQUIREMENTS: Linux kernel 2.2 MySQL Perl 5.005 or later The following Perl Modules: IO (Should be standard with Perl) IO::File IO::Select IO::Socket POSIX (Should be standard with Perl) DBI w/ MySQL (Only storage option available) Time::HiRes INSTALLATION: This quick guide is nowhere complete, and it is assumed you are at least somewhat familiar with Linux and MySQL. 1) Determine which gaming module you want to use. Currently, only two are available: RTCW - Works with default RTCW servers RTCWShrub - Works with RTCW servers running Shrubmod (Recommended!) 2) From the XStab folder run './configure' and choose the preset you wish to use (RTCW or RTCWShrub). Choosing 'custom' is NOT recomended unless you are a developer. If so, please refer to the documentation in docs. 3) Install the appropriate MySQL Table. These are stored in the sql folder. If you choose RTCW in step 2, use RTCW::XCore.sql. If you're using RTCWShrub, use RTCW::XShrub.sql 3b) To easilly install the sql file, run the following command: mysql -u USERNAME -p < sql/RTCW::XCore.sql (or mysql -u USERNAME -p < sql/RTCW::XShrub.sql) where USERNAME is a user which as the ability to create new tables. In many cases, this is 'root'. Be prepared to supply the password for this user. If this does not work, seek MySQL help :) 4) Run './build_config' from the XStab folder. Next, copy xstab.conf.gen to xstab.conf: cp xstab.conf.gen xstab.conf 5) Edit xstab.conf with pico or vi, and change the values to suit your setup. RUNNING XSTAB: To start XStab, run './start' This script will automagically take care of respawning XStab should it crash. to stop XStab, run './stop' To restart XStab, simply run './start' -- This script will stop any previous instances of XStab currently running.